Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Need for Modules

It happens to every successful business: you installed a shiny new Avaya Partner Systems network and it worked beautifully. A little too beautifully. Business became so productive and so efficient that more and more employees had to be hired. Soon, there weren’t any available lines or extensions. Chaos reigned. Employees had to share phones, 5 people to a phone. You had to disconnect from the internet so you could plug in your fax machine.

Company heads spent countless hours in meetings, sending memo after memo filled with cries for help. Buying another network was suggested by a lower ranking executive, but he was fired for offering silly, wasteful ideas.

There is an answer though, a solution, a way out from the despair and misery caused by a fundamental lack of lines and extensions. Modules.

Modules are Quick and Easy

Modules are the key that unlocks the door to providing a phone for every employee, a port for every computer and fax machine. So expand quickly and with ease. Sleep soundly knowing you’re picking an efficient, cost effective trunking option.

The T1 module has two benefits: it adds 16 lines of fractional T1 service and better utilization of T1 functionality. But why stop at a single module; more employees equals more lines, and one module only gives you 16 extras.

Purchase multiple modules, and you can create the perfect network, capable of supporting all your employees. Depending on how you configure them, the modules can either add up to 19 lines and 44 extensions, or 31 lines and 8 extensions. It’s your choice, based on your needs.

Modules Have Features

Modules have another benefit: they have features. The features are icing on the network expanding cake. The cake is rich and moist; the flavor is perfectly balanced without being too heavy. On its own, the cake would be just fine. But the icing adds a whole new dimension to the cake. A new characteristic that enhances the overall flavor of the cake. It’s the same way with the modules and features.

They come with advanced telephony capabilities that help increase the productivity and efficiency: caller ID, send all calls, and 5 party conference call. The features also boost mobility; Cell Phone Connect and Remote Call Forwarding work in conjunction allowing you to receive business calls anywhere you go.

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